It was a typical Saturday morning. I went to bed the night before, completely exhausted by life. Between the news of some immediate family members needing some pretty serious surgeries and preparing for a ministry event that I was leading and speaking at, I was mentally at my capacity. At that moment, I stopped to look out my front window, and a bird caught my eye. He was so close, only a few feet away, perched on our 'Boulware' sign in the front yard, singing loudly.
It seemed an odd place for him to perch and sing. Then it dawned on me, "God was singing over me." I would have never even thought about this if I had not remembered my Pastor teaching this scripture a few weeks earlier.
"For the LORD, your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs." Zephaniah 3:17
I made eye contact with the bird, listened for several minutes, and smiled. I even prayed, "God, thanks for that sweet reminder that you are near and that you are singing over me." It honestly did calm my fears.
Later that day, I stepped outside and took a phone call stating that my grandmother had a strange internal bleed and had been admitted to the hospital. I thought, "This is just too much; why is this all happening at once." Then, in a tree close by, a bird was singing loudly again.
How good is God that He started the day off with a bird singing over me and then sent another one too at the perfect time to remind me of His goodness?

I think we miss these signs often. We get too caught up in our fears, concerns, and worries that our fears sing louder than God's presence. I think to truly hear God sing over us, we have to know the Word of God. If the bird had perched up to our front window before my Pastor taught me this scripture, I might not have thought twice about it.
We have to get familiar enough with God's Word to combat the fears we face with the truth of His promises. Another place in God's Word that calms my fears is in Joshua 1:6-9. It talks about being bold and courageous to stand fearless in Him. To keep God's commands on our heart and meditate on His Word. So many expect the bravery and courage without the dedication to God's Word. One doesn't work without the other.
God wants to sing over you today.
He wants you to be brave and courageous.
He wants to calm your fears with His love.
Reflect with me
Have you ever thought God may be speaking through nature to you?
Find another scripture that talks about God using nature to calm your fears, reflect on it, and write it down.
How can you choose to be brave and courageous today?
It's okay if you don't know where to start in the Bible when choosing to gain courage and n to God's voice in your life. Here are our two recommendations if you aren't used to getting into the Word, or maybe it's been a while.
Use a physical Bible. Our phones and computers are great; however, the chances of distraction are high. If you need help finding the right Bible for you, please respond. We'd love to help!
Start in a guided format, such as a devotional. Devotionals and Bible Studies are great ways to structure your Bible time when you aren't sure what to read or do. If you'd like a devotional focusing on overcoming fear and anxiety, head to the Fearless shop and check out one of ours!
Lord, I know you are rejoicing in song over my sweet sister reading this today. I ask you to help be her courage and strength, to show her how you speak to her specifically. Please guide her as she draws nearer to you. Amen.
With love,
